Petit Caisson

Petit Caisson is an IoT platform with scalable and range of functions with flexibly features for different IoT devices and sensors end to end connection. By platform tools used to transform the applications and enhance the user experience.

Web based design, simple visualization presentation access, provide orientation and guidance for the user to understand at a glance. 

Temperature and Humidity device dashboard

With Petit Caisson manage, smart devices are connected to dedicated domain for data store and analyze, the interactive visualize dashboard displays smart device’s real-time information,

  • Data collection
    • Support HTTP, CoAP ,LwM2M ,AMQP and MQTT protocol
  • Connectivity
    • Support NB-IoT, 4GLte, 5G, LoRa, WiFi, Modbus, BACnet, RS485 devices and Blue tooth
  • Alert, Notification and Trigger
    • Provide email, SMS, alarm and trigger devices function by dashboard real-time execute